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A photo-shoot is not like you see on television.

They show Pro models, Pro photographers and crew. More like a 100.000 $ photo-shoot where everything has to go very fast and without faults or errors.

I do it slow, time to breath, time to talk about how and where to take photo's.

Time to experience with clothing, make-up and props.

Time to learn modeling, to feel good before a camera.

Be yourself, don't think, do it, If its bad, we delete it.

Have fun, do crazy, go out of the box. Its your time to be YOU.    


What to prepare for? 

1 or 2 days before the shoot, shave legs, armpits and  bikini-line (for summer-shoots) .

Don't wear elastic or too small clothes. It gives skin print in your skin. 

Bring your own comb or hairbrush.

Stay calm and relaxed, go with the flow. 

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